4 Colours to choose from. 250g - 450g
.All have lumo heads - green - white have lumo tentacles
. Realistic 3d eyes.
.Uv reactive colours with silver flecks through the head.
.Tenticles constructed from TPR tough material.
.One set of 5x tough assist hooks. High carbon steel, flat pressed sides for extra strength. Super sharp. 7/0 to 11/0 assist hooks
Whether bouncing it off the bottom, slow trolling or slow pitch jigging, this rig attracts most species, snapper, reds, aj's, kingies, reefies etc.
These jigs don't need to be worked much, usually very slowly works best, even just leave them in the rod holder in the strike zone and let the boat motion and current do the work.making it look alive. Even try spicing them with some bait.