CHUGGA BUG 80mm 13g - 105mm 20g VMC TPE 10x

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  • $18.50
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Fresh and saltwater soft plastic Chugga Bug.
2 Sizes- 80mm 13g (60mm body) & 105mm 20g (75mm body).
Realistic 3D copy. Luminous eyes. 6 Designs to choose from.

TPE 10x Strong material.

VMC customised ultra sharp hook, made with weighted egg sack. Rear facing hook eye for working backwards like a real crayfish.

Floating claws. Vibrating body and legs, flexible noisy tail. Hollow design creates a drumming sound when moving and great for adding attractant to the cavity.

The Chugga Bug drops through water, mimicking a vulnerable crayfish falling to the security of bottom cover, then sitting naturally on the bottom with it's claws floating upright.

This lure is an absolute slayer on freshwater species such as bass, golden perch, Murray cod etc and saltwater species like trout, sweetlip, tuskys etc.
Coral Trout eat these for breakfast.

NB-Plesae do not store TPE material with other soft plastics.